

Created: Tuesday, 16 August 2016 18:12
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No bake energy bars with honey-hazelnut spread

hazelnut energy bar

1½ cups old fashioned oats
1½ cups little-donkey honey spread with hazelnuts
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
½ cup chocolate chips

Slightly heat the honey – hazelnut spread and the olive oil in a small sauce pan until melted and well incorporated. Pour the honey spread mixture over the oats and stir until the oats are well coated. Line baking dish with parchment paper. Press down into the prepared pan in an even layer. Let it cool slightly before pressing in the chocolate chips. Once cool, press the chocolate chips in gently over the top, and refrigerate for 4-6 hours. When the mixture has set, cut into bars and store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator.